Un programme d’assainissement efficace pour maintenir une installation de production alimentaire propre comporte plusieurs facettes. DuBois utilise une approche globale, qui offre une gamme complète de produits tels que des nettoyants, des agents assainissants, des adjuvants de fabrication et des antimousses de qualité alimentaire. Grâce à notre gamme complète de produits DuBois et à notre soutien technique, nous vous proposons la solution pour produire un produit alimentaire sûr et sain.
Pour consulter tous nos produits destinés au secteur aliments et boissons, cliquez sur le bouton Catalogue des produits ci-dessus.
Nettoyants et assainissants
Ingrédients alimentaires
Adjuvants de fabrication
Aliments biologiques et sans OGM
Lubrifiants alimentaires
Lubrification de voie et de convoyeur
DuBois provides innovative solutions to the food and beverage industry that address the challenges our customers face every day. We are committed to engineering a complete product solution that takes the “total cost” of an application into consideration. Many variables beyond the price per gallon are evaluated when we propose a solution. Our solutions are designed to minimize the overall cost of operations by reducing labor time, water, and production downtime.
Products and Technologies:
DuBois provides a variety of food ingredients that ensure a safe and secure supply to our customers. When selecting a food ingredient from DuBois, you can be assured of its compliance with our integrated SQF supplier control program.
Process aids are a key component of food manufacturing processes; they maximize throughput and minimize product loss. We understand how the effectiveness of a process aid impacts the quality of your product.
DuBois provides a focused line of food grade process aids, application knowledge, and experience that will help you make the right choice for your facility.
The Organic and Non-GMO markets are fast growing and evolving food processing segments. DuBois can provide a platform of products for many applications within an Organic or Non-GMO food processing plant.
We understand that many food plants operate specific lines within a facility or seasonally operate to make specific Organic or Non-GMO product runs. DuBois will help you apply the correct technology to your Organic or Non-GMO production.
DuBois has developed innovative total beverage care programs that provide the newest standards in conveyor lubrication. Our solutions will reduce your water, labor, and energy costs to optimize track and conveyor performance. DuBois blends chemistry, service, equipment, and technical expertise to keep your lines running smoothly.
We recognize the requirements for each of your facilities are unique; we design solutions tailored for each of your operations. DuBois is committed to deliver the best available technology at a total operating cost that will maximize your profitability.
DuBois comprehensive line of food grade lubricants are formulated specifically for the food packing and processing industry. We have oils and greases that can be used over a wide range of operating temperatures for machine parts and equipment that may come in contact with food or beverage.
We have food grade mineral oil and synthetic based products for used in the lubrication of machinery in beverage plants, meat and poultry packing plants, canneries, bakeries and other industrial food packaging and processing plants.
Our food grade products conform to FDA regulations and are NSF White Pages Listed.
Click here for more information on our track and conveyor lubricants.
Events / 01.09.19
Le mois de septembre est le mois de l’éducation sur la salubrité alimentaire! DuBois tient à faire sa part pour montrer à nos clients et à nos employés comment préserver la salubrité des aliments destinés à leur famille, et souligner l’importance des opérations de nettoyage et d’assainissement dans les usines de transformation des aliments.
Recent Events / 02.10.18
L’acquisition de la division Water Treatment Solutions (WTS) de Triwater Holdings LLC et de ses marques Klenzoid, Eldon Water, Chemco Products et Nashville Chemical renforce la position de DuBois au Canada et améliore nos solutions pour les marchés des institutions, de l’industrie légère, des aliments et boissons et des ressources naturelles.
Recent Events / 18.06.18
L’acquisition de U.S. Industrial Lubricants ajoute des lubrifiants à haute température et de qualité alimentaire à l’offre de produits de DuBois. Nos lubrifiants synthétiques pour chaînes de four à haute température sont couramment employés dans la fabrication d’isolants en fibre de verre, la finition textile, la transformation des aliments, la fabrication de contreplaqué et de papier ondulé, l’industrie automobile et de nombreuses autres industries du secteur manufacturier.
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