U.S paperboard and Kraft specialties mill saves more $2,000,000/yr using DuBois fabric cleaning solution
A mill producing brown paper grades, principally corrugated medium, was experiencing severe felt deposits with a competitive cleaning program. The competitive program was unsuccessful at removing both felt surface deposits and organic soils from the internal void-volume of the felt. This resulted in weekly shutdowns for downtime batch washing that still produced poor results.
The furnish consisted of OCC and NSSC stocks and the primary felt soils were identified as paraffin wax and wood pitch compounds.
The DuBois Solution
After conducting a press section survey, felt analyses and felt permeability studies, DuBois implemented new strategies for press felt cleaning.
Because of the pronounced tendency for quick felt filling and nature of the soils, DuBois’ Div-O-Kleen press felt cleaning chemical was selected. The product was applied using a DuBois supplied system that generates high temperature and high pressure water. The cleaning solution was applied at less than 0.5% concentration multiple times per day. Additionally, the program allowed for optimizing the amount of chemical cleaning each day for each felt position depending on the soil load.
To better remove dryer deposits, DuBois’ Saf-T-Brite HS product was selected. This product is, an alkaline cleaner, but contains no free caustic. The same high pressure/temperature cleaning system was used.
Results and Benefits
The overall program yielded the following impressive results:
Trade Expo / 02.24.19
Learn more about Blendco and C.A.R. Products solutions for the car wash industry. Visit our team of experts February 24-26 in Arlington, TX.
Training / 11.03.18
This conference will bring stampers and die shops up to date on new lubricants for stamping and tool and die machining, and help them evaluate new formulations and select the right lubricant for the job. Rick Bulter, DuBois R&D Manager, will be part of the training team at this event sponsored by the MetalForming magazine with support by the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers.
Recent Events / 08.07.18
Prowash is a key supplier of a comprehensive range of high quality auto wash chemicals and equipment to the Australian car wash industry. Prowash adds value with its position of surrounding customers with all chemical, equipment and technical service needs.
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