
At DuBois, problem-solving is at the core of our culture, identity, and business.  We step forward when there are tough problems to solve.

The need to transform companies, industries and economies to ensure that they are sustainable brings many problems and opportunities for all of us.

Our approach to Sustainability is rooted in these beliefs:

  • Industrial activities contribute to negative climate change impacts
  • Availability of clean water for drinking and agriculture is a serious problem in many areas, and is expected to become more severe
  • Barriers to equal opportunity and fair treatment in the workplace exist, and have a compounding effect over time, causing harm to societies

Addressing these challenges is a significant focus of our strategy and actions as a company.  We believe that each of us can play a positive role, and that the combined efforts of all DuBois employees can lead to meaningful positive impacts.

Every person matters.  Every good act matters.

Our strategy to create positive impacts includes targets and performance measurements in three areas:


Our Operations:

Within our operations, DuBois maintains strong Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) programs.

  • These begin with employee health and safety. The DuBois Target Zero Safety Program is a set of behaviors intended to eliminate workplace injuries and illnesses.
  • To maintain a fair and inclusive work environment, DuBois has policies and metrics to continuously improve the diversity of our teams; to ensure equity in opportunity; and to ensure an inclusive experience for all employees.
  • Targets and measurements are established to track progress on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, natural gas and electricity use, water use, and solid waste generation.
  • An EHS Scorecard is issued monthly to all locations with 10 or more employees, measuring behaviors and results that reflect EHS performance and culture.
  • To protect employee, company, and customer information, and to guard against interference with operations, DuBois maintains a robust cyber security program, with continuous monitoring to detect and block threats.
  • Strong business ethics policies and annual refresher training.
  • DuBois maintains an Employee Code of Conduct document that is maintained on the employee web portal and reviewed annually.
  • Tuition reimbursement programs are available to support continuing education of employees.
  • Monthly internal training is provided for all employees on topics that include workplace safety, security, health, and proper business practices.
  • Community engagement is valued. Examples include Adopt a Class, Adopt a Family, and participation in community organizations.

These elements of the DuBois ESG program make DuBois a stronger and more successful company, and a better workplace for our employees.

Progress on these aspects of our operation are measured and reviewed with the DuBois Environmental, Health, Safety & Sustainability (EHS&S) Committee monthly, and are reviewed with the DuBois Board of Directors each quarter.


Our Products:

DuBois employees make a different every day with the products and technical expertise that reduces water and energy consumption at thousands of customer facilities.  Development of sustainable, energy and water-saving products has been central to DuBois’ strategy for two decades.  However, much more is needed from all of us.  DuBois has specific targets for development of next-generation products that will create new levels of efficiency and resource conservation.

Specific sustainability goals that are considered in the new product design process include:

  • Improve safety for end-users of products
  • Improve safety in manufacturing
  • Reduces customer need for carbon-derived electricity
  • Reduces customer water consumption
  • Uses recyclable and/or biodegradable packaging
  • Elimination of persistent, bio-accumulative toxins and endocrine disruptors.

DuBois has specific targets for development and commercialization of these next-generation products.  Achievements of those targets is measured and reviewed with the DuBois Environmental, Health, Safety & Sustainability (EHS&S) Committee monthly, and with the DuBois Board of Directors each quarter.


Our Suppliers:

An essential element of our Sustainability program is ensuring that our suppliers share our values, and actively support.  Suppliers are asked to complete a Supplier Code of Conduct and share information on their Sustainability programs.  The DuBois Sourcing team will use this information to select suppliers that are aligned with our strategy and actions on Sustainability.

Download the Supplier Code of Conduct Here