
  • Aluminum Brazing

The ability to dip braze aluminum in molten salt continues to grow. DuBois, by far, is the leader in offering this type of molten salt technology with experienced technical personnel giving guidance to new users to successfully braze the first time.

DuBois complete brazing salt product line is unmatched and offers clear advantages over other types of brazing operations. Key characteristics of DuBois brazing salts are as follows:

  • Buoyancy to reduce distortion
  • Easily washed off with water
  • Exceptional fluidity minimizing drag-out
  • Provide a neutral environment to avoid pitting of work
  • Uniform temperature media to ensure the smallest joints are completely filled
  • Shorter brazing times
  • Meets AMS 3415E and ANSI /AWS A5.31M/A5.31:2022