BrewExpo America is the largest brewing conference and premier trade show in the U.S. for craft brewers. Visit with us and discover how our cleaners, sanitizers and process aids can help your brewery or brewpub…
The Northwest Food Safety & Sanitation Workshop addressees basic sanitation as well as cutting edge issues related to food sanitation and food safety. DuBois is product to exhibit and contribute to the technical program. Venue:…
USIL compliments DuBois premium Food Grade lubricant offering and adds technical expertise and comprehensive solutions for high temperature fiberglass industry lubrication applications.
Trade Expo / 12.15.22
DuBois Chemicals will be exhibiting at TAPPICON in Atlanta, GA at the Cobb Galleria April 22-26, 2023
Recent Events / 10.02.18
The acquisition of the Water Treatment Solutions division of Triwater Holdings LLC, and its Klenzoid, Eldon Water, Chemco Products and Nashville Chemical brands, expands DuBois position in Canada and enhances our solutions for the institutional, light industrial, food and beverage and natural resources markets.
Recent Events / 06.18.18
IPAC Holdings (Innovative People Advancing Chemistry) joins DuBois. IPAC and Power Chemicals supports the needs of customers in the hard rock mining, coal, primary metals, bulk terminal, pulp and paper and water treatment markets.
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