
  • Press Felt Treatments & Cleaning

The press fabric is the heart of the paper machine. An efficient press section dramatically enhances the capabilities and efficiency of a paper machine. DuBois has more solutions for enhancing the performance of press fabric than any other paper chemicals supplier. DuBois will conduct a complete press section audit to determine the best solution for a given mill.

Key Technologies:

DuPulse® Press Fabric Cleaning Application Method

  • Patented application method that delivers higher concentration of fabric cleaning chemistry deeper in to the body of the press fabric
  • Achieves more effective cleaning than other methods, with no additional chemical use.

Accel Line

  • Formulated to be effective on high machine speeds and low product concentrations.
  • Contains a unique surfactant package designed for extremely quick wetting to maximize cleaning, even with short dwell time.

Neutra Shield

  • Modifies the press felt surfaces, making it resistant to deposition including recycled fiber “stickies”, converting and coated broke “stickies”, synthetic sizes, resins, and waxes.
  • Fabrics stay cleaner, fabric life increases, and intervals between washes can be longer.

Altrox Line

  • Cleaners that control filling of press fabric by wet and dry strength resins, Yankee adhesives, and other polymeric process additives.

Sure Safe Line

  • Cleaners designed to be effective while having a better safety profile than many press fabric cleaners.
  • Non-corrosive to skin and eyes.

View the DuPulse Video