The automotive market consists of a large number of vehicle manufactures and an enormous component and sub assembly supplier infrastructure. All participants must be able to manufacture to high standards and tight tolerances across all operations. DuBois is well equipped to provide competitive advantage to the higher capacity, high volume automotive plants. Through application know-how and a portfolio of innovative metalworking fluids and high performance lubricants, DuBois creates solutions designed to increase productivity, reduce overall costs and improve health and safety and environmental performances.
To achieve the high standards set by today’s automotive manufacturer, DuBois has an established comprehensive selection of products, which include:
Metal Removal
The DuBois line of advanced coolants offers a versatile range of soluble, semi-synthetic, synthetic fluids and straight oils. Our technical experts will evaluate your operation and recommend the chemistry with the right balance of lubrication and cooling properties.
Metal Forming
The DuBois series of metal forming fluids includes a wide variety of product technology for automotive applications. Our products deliver excellent lubrication and corrosion protection that improve your surface finish and extend the life of expensive equipment used in metal forming operations
Metal Protection
Corrosion is a concern with any metalworking process. DuBois line of rust preventives includes a comprehensive range of products designed to inhibit corrosion throughout the manufacturing process.
Metal Cleaning
DuBois manages metal cleaning by understanding the fluid chemistry and the automotive manufacturing process. Consistently meeting cleanliness requirements has a direct effect on the quality of final products. By leveraging the process and applications expertise of our field personnel and support specialists we focus on product compatibility and cleanliness throughout the metalworking process.
High Performance Lubricants
The DuBois line of high performance oils and grease is setting new performance standards in many industries. While our product technology is exceptional, we know the success of any lubrication program relies on much more than the technology built into a product. The greatest impact on any program is people, enabled by effective solutions that deliver results. This is where DuBois differentiates itself from the competition.
Products and Technologies
Additional Resources
Industry Events / 03.17.20
DuBois would like to sincerely thank the many industry organizations, event centers, hotels, sponsors, and partners for their incredible support working to reschedule events. DuBois will continue to support your efforts to bring quality events to our attendees and co-suppliers.
Case Study / 12.14.22
Case Studies: Al-Brite LK Effectively Cleans Weld Burn Without Etching Aluminum
Recent Events / 03.23.21
DuBois Chemicals Quenching product line will now be available in Europe via the CIMCOOL organization. The European DuBois Quenching fluids product line includes oil-based Quenching Fluids and water-based Quenchants.
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