Your customers demand precision and performance to give them confidence and peace of mind. Whether for game or personal protection, the last thing on their mind should be misfire.
DuBois knows ammunition and has the expertise to help you process large quantities of brass casings and lead bullets. We have innovative forming fluids for your high speed progressive forming machinery. Our fluids are:
Your customers expect clean parts that remain bright and tarnish free over long periods of storage. DuBois had custom technologies, such as Ammo-Glow H, that give the cleaning and sheen needed pre and post annealing.
The most recognized names in firearms have partnered with DuBois for over 100 years to deliver durable products with the highest quality finishes. Our Black Oxide technologies give you the ability to obtain the blackest finishes that:
Whether you are a manufacturer of ammunition or firearms, we will deliver a comprehensive program for you.
Products and Technologies
Industry Events / 03.17.20
DuBois would like to sincerely thank the many industry organizations, event centers, hotels, sponsors, and partners for their incredible support working to reschedule events. DuBois will continue to support your efforts to bring quality events to our attendees and co-suppliers.
Case Study / 12.14.22
Case Studies: Al-Brite LK Effectively Cleans Weld Burn Without Etching Aluminum
Recent Events / 03.23.21
DuBois Chemicals Quenching product line will now be available in Europe via the CIMCOOL organization. The European DuBois Quenching fluids product line includes oil-based Quenching Fluids and water-based Quenchants.
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