Perchem 1000 Case Study
The customer is a custom manufacturer of screw machine products. They can produce parts from a broad variety of materials, including free machining, stainless steel, copper, bronze, brass, aluminum, plastic, phenolic, alloy steel, and composite materials. In their manufacturing process, the customer uses a DuBois oil in their forming and shaping operations. These processes create specialized parts in a variety of shapes and sizes, often with small indents, heads, and sockets. The oil can stick in these small pockets and become difficult to remove. If the oil remains in the final product that is sent to customers or heat treaters, it can cause a significant level of rejected parts, impacting revenue and customer satisfaction. With millions of parts being produced, the customer required a product that could remove the majority of the oil from the parts without leaving a residue behind, to ensure that the oil or cleaner did not impact later operations. The product would also need to be adaptable for internal or immersed tumbling applications, depending on the parts being processed.
The DuBois technical team audited the customer’s requirements and recommended Perchem 1000 as an ideal solution. Perchem 1000 is a solvent cleaner ideal for metal cleaning operations for the removal of shop oils, contaminants or coatings. It dries quickly without leaving a residue. The customer was also able to apply it in both spray and immersion operations, as needed for each custom process.
The customer has described Perchem 1000 as being “goof-proof”. Regardless of the application or the part customization, it is able to clean the parts effectively and dry efficiently. It fully serves its operational function, while also leaving parts with a clean, quality appearance. The customer is very satisfied with the reliability of Perchem 1000. They and their DuBois technical team continue to evaluate additional opportunities for improvement.
Industry Events / 09.12.24
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Recent Events / 03.23.21
DuBois Chemicals Quenching product line will now be available in Europe via the CIMCOOL organization. The European DuBois Quenching fluids product line includes oil-based Quenching Fluids and water-based Quenchants.
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