Closed loop systems are used to heat and cool HVAC, commercial and industrial systems by re-circulating the same water over and over again. There are a wide variety of system types, but the operational configuration that they typically have in common is isolation from the source of heating or cooling through a secondary heat exchanger (typically a boiler, cooling tower or chiller on the other side of the heat exchanger).
Closed loop systems are best tightly sealed with minimal water losses and makeup, and are often pressurized. But, systems with open-sumps or with high water losses are very common in certain industries, such as plastic injection molding. Specialized products are needed to control corrosion, scaling and biological fouling within the diversity of closed loop systems and makeup water qualities.
DuBois offers a comprehensive line of products to effectively treat a wide variety of closed loop systems:
Trade Expo / 05.14.19
Meet DuBois Technical Representatives at BOOTH# 5449, May 14-16 at EASTEC, to help shape your business at the East Coast’s premier manufacturing event. We will feature our leading our leading metalworking fluids, process cleaners, rust preventatives, paint pretreatment and water treatment solutions for cooling, boilers and wastewater.
Recent Events / 10.02.18
The acquisition of the Water Treatment Solutions division of Triwater Holdings LLC, and its Klenzoid, Eldon Water, Chemco Products and Nashville Chemical brands, expands DuBois position in Canada and enhances our solutions for the institutional, light industrial, food and beverage and natural resources markets.
Recent Events / 04.22.19
St. Joseph Mercy Oakland and Eldon Water, a recent acquisition of DuBois Chemicals, implemented a program to save a projected 665,000 gallons of water annually. For Earth Day this year, the hospital was awarded a $10,000 check by Eldon for being a sustainability leader.
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